Have a read of the letter Mrs Peck sent us!

Mrs Peck wrote a letter to us today. She needs out help with the Riverdale School Matariki Open day.
We will conduct our own Inquiry into Matariki and share our learning with our families when they come to see us on Open Day.
We spent some time REFLECTING on what we know and then WONDERING on what we would like to find out.

We are loving EXPLORING about Matariki. Some of us made Maori Gods using Google Drawing.
Check them out!
Matariki Open Day 2021

Our favourite of any inquiry is the ACT! Check out what we have been creating...

Connor was inspired by a compass activity Mrs Lunn did with her Maths Opt-in kids.
He decided to make a Matariki version for his Inquiry.
Connor tested his activity on some Pounamu Atawhai chidren and got their feedback.
Mrs Lunn has put his activity on the SDL sheet for next week! Exciting!

Jacob decided to make an Activity Book based on Matariki.
His book included:
A True or False quiz
A wordfind
An Unscrambler
A Dot to Dot
A Maze
How many words can you make
A colouring in page
We will print some of his activity books to share with the kids in our team.

Braxton and Kade's ACT
Qinghe and Maddy's ACT
Connor Aberdein's ACT
Art has been a popular choice to share our learning about Matariki.
Some of the children used paint and the elements of colour, shape, line and shade to create the night sky.
Beautiful pictures!
Can you see the Matariki stars in the sky in their pictures?

Matariki Art Act

Kosmo's Chrome Canvas ACT

Zach's Chrome Canvas ACT

Kate's Matariki Kite

Activity Book
Mia's Matariki
Emily's Matariki News
Connor Ab's Matariki Game
Ethan W's Mindcraft Matariki
Conrad's Matariki Fact Slideshow
Ella's Matariki Food Slideshow

Hayden's ACT
Hayden used paper circuits to show the Matariki cluster.

Georgia's ACT
Georgia created her own card game full of facts about Matariki!
Sophia's painting ACT

Indi's painting ACT

Tryton's drawing ACT

Amelia's painting ACT

Madison's painting ACT

Penny's painting ACT

Joao's comparison of Māori New Year and Brazilian New Year ACT

Courtney's STAR ACT

Kiara's painting ACT

Emma L's Kite ACT

Rebekah's Kite ACT

Amber's Painting ACT

Ryla and Miyah's Baking ACT

Neva's Calendar Translation ACT

Timi's Board Game ACT

Luccas' Minecraft Matariki ACT
Estela and Ruby's Video ACT
Aiden and Joel's Video ACT
Eden and Oliver's Sphero ACT
Jorja's Chrome Canvas ACT