Ko Manawatū te awa.
Ko Tararua te Maunga.
Manawatū is the river. Tararua are the mountains. These are the landmarks of our region. The river was created by a lot of change. Floods, rocks, earthquakes, Okatia were all forces that carved a deeper river.
The Maori people used the Manawatū river to travel on in their waka. The river connected the tribes from Palmerston North right through to Foxton Beach.
What does Manawatū acutally mean? There was a prince an Ariki called Haru whose wife left him, he didn't want her to leave so he chased her. He saw how amazing the wide land was while he was looking around. Manawa - heart, tū - stand/skipped a beat. He was taken aback by the beauty of our region and his heart fluttered so he stayed.
that was fun
it was fun
we lernd so much to day😎