He hekenga Māori ki Aotearoa
The migration of the Polynesian people to New Zealand
Mrs Peck sent us a letter asking us if we could inquire into how the Polynesian people came to New Zealand. We decided we would love to help Mrs Peck, but there is a lot to learn!

The very first thing we did even BEFORE we began to wonder, was to think about what EXACTLY Mrs Peck was asking us to do. We decided that there was really three different things we needed to focus on:
Find out how the Polynesian people came to NZ
Learn about learning styles so we can help Mrs Peck
Decide how were are going to share our learning


Learning Styles:
One of the things we needed to find out about is Learning Styles. Mrs Lunn's whanau group learnt what learning styles are today. Check out this video. It explains them well...
We were fascinated! We thought about what learning style we might have. Mrs Lunn had a survey that we needed to complete. We were actually pretty good at identifying our own learning style.


We thought more about what we could do in our classroom to cater to the different learning styles of the children. We completed an organiser to record all of our ideas.
Have a look at what we came up with...

We thought some practical ideas for what we can do in the classroom.
These include things like having children sit in the egg chairs on the mat, have videos and slideshows to watch and use headphones.
Now that we know a bit more about Learning styles, we thought about what that means for us.
We had a think about where we like to work, how quiet we like the room and what we should do if we get distracted.
We complete the organiser and really but a lot of effort into decided how and where we learn best. Have a look...

Mrs Peck wanted us to help her understand how the Polynesian people made their way to Aotearoa?
First we watched a video talking about migration, the paths taken and how the Polynesian people used the stars, winds and animals to guide them to Aotearoa.

Where in the world did the Polynesian people migrate from?
Where did the Godwits (birds) migrate from?

Today we revisited the letter Mrs Peck sent us. We needed to remind ourselves of all that we needed to do in order to help Mrs Peck. We decided to come up with come success criteria for what our presentation will need to include and to look like. We worked in our whanau groups to work out what be required to reach achieve each stage of the matrix.

Here's what we came up with... We will now need to put them together taking on board each whanau groups suggestions.

It became pretty clear that we needed to know quite a few facts about how the Polynesian people came to New Zealand. We took the opportunity today to go through our Inquiry Books and highlight all the information we could include in our presentation for Mrs Peck.
We also took the opportunity to have a bit of a REFLECT on what we actually knew about the Migration of the Polynesian people.
We worked in groups to record our knowledge and think of anything else we might need to know.

Now for our FAVOURITE part of Te Ako Ritenga ... ACT!
We get to decide on how we want to present the information we have learnt.
Watch this space!

The first of our Presentations are ready to go!
Congratulations on finishing your presentation Jacob and Liam L.

Here is the agreed upon Success Criteria. Where would Jacob and Liam's presentation fit?

When we finished our presentation, It was important for us to see how we did against the Success Matrix.
We needed to watch our presentation again and assess ourselves against each of the criteria.
The teachers were really impressed with the quality of the discussions we had around where we saw ourselves fitting on the matrix.
Have a look at some of our sheets: