Tangaroa - Ariki
Ruaumoko - Mangotoa
Tawhirimatea - Mangotoa
Haumietiketike - Aronui
Tumatauenga - Mangotoa
Ranginui - Ariki
Papatuanuku - Aronui
Tane Mahuta - Aronui
Rongomatane - Tohunga
Whiro - Tohunga
Rehua - Ariki
Whaitiri - Mangotoa
Io (Collective - All the gods) - Ariki, Tohunga, Mangotoa, Aronui
Can you tell us why each kaitiaki is in each whiringa?
Did all the Kaitiaki want their parents to be separated? No, Tane Mahuta was the only one who really wanted it to happened and he fought his brothers to make sure it did happen.
When Tane Mahuta spoke to his brothers this was the first Hui - hui whānau in Māori culture.
Io - the song - is a waiata that represents all of our Atua. This is why we are going to be singing this song during our Matariki celebrations. We are acknowledging everyone and everything.
Whiro - is in time out. They are the oldest Kaitiaki. Whiro is the smartest of the Kaitiaki. Whiro questioned Io and challenged Io. They are in time out because of this 'naughty behaviour'.

inquiry is grate fun😀
inquiry is so fun
I LOVE inqury
its so much fun to do inquiry now
it is so fun.