Ngā mihi to the Menz Shed! We welcomed our visitors with the school Pou and were so appreciative of their hard mahi and coming down today to help us create bird feeders and bug hotels.
They came to us with kitset pieces of pallets for us to nail together. I have never seen so many bent nails. The team that came to help us was kind and supportive and happy to help the kids complete their tasks.
I am super proud of our tamariki for being on their best behaviour and really showed Poutama mana and pride!

It was so fun I hope we can do something like this again. :)
it was so fun 😋
It was really fun because they got to help and support us. I thought that the bug hotel Kinda looked like a bird house because it has a hole at the back.
it was super fun 😀
i cant wait to hang my bird feeder onto my fence