Today's writing activity was to start a story and then pass it on...

Sterling: I love rats. They are little and friendly.
They are also very cute. Sometimes they can live under your house and under your deck. Sometimes they can be dangerous to anyone if they bite them.
Once my Nan ran over a rat. Some rats are smart. Kind of weird! When rats die they smell really bad. DISGUSTING rats!!
Keira: My eyes flickered open, stinging because of the light. I went to lift my arm to cover my eyes, but it wouldn't move. It was as if I was stuck in a nightmare.
It is all about wild horses stuck in a mysterious meadow in a far away land getting trapped in the meadow. The meadow was dangerous.
I turned to my left to see a big black Mare charging towards me. I squeezed my eyes shut. When I opened them I was in my room I rolled over to see my alarm. I could make out a 3, 4, and a 5. I reached my arm over to grab my glasses. I fumbled the glasses onto my face and what I saw was shocking...
BANG, CRASH, BOOM! A Titan (big wave) is heading for the village. When it was almost at the village I got hit by an angry villager. The titan threw the villager. 1 Hour later... aaaaaaaargh! Crash landed.
I will shelter and Call Harry Potter for some help.
Ruby: In the middle of the unknown forest far away from land was a herd of wild horses.
They were riding in a perfect pattern. There was a majestic white one leading the herd through the trees and galloping over the rocks.
There was white ones and black ones and brown ones. My favourite one is the brown ones. If you did not know already... I LOVE HORSES!!!!
Today I am going to be telling you about dogs. First of all dogs can be any size depending on their breed. If it was a golden Lab
I would want to play with it. Dogs are amazing! Wow, what about a pug? Pugs are cute. They're are so small. Some dogs are mixed breeds.
I have two maltese shitzu dogs. They are very cute. They are Mrs Whitta's dog Lulu is my dog's daughter by blood. My dogs Lucy and Hugo are very playful. Lucy had 20 puppies by only 2 died.
Lachlan O: A long long time ago in a different universe a little boy named Harry Potter.
Out of the ashes rose a villian none other than Lord Voldamort!!
Harry Potter and Mr Blabla... Harry Potter was in bed when all of a sudden it was levitating. Mr Blabla had escaped from Azkeba. Harry got teleported to a forbidden forest. Harry had to escape. But how??? Zap! Harry had a laser gun and he defeated Mr Blabla.
Coltyn: Me, my brother's and and Nan went to the Lake. We went biscuting. It was fun.
At the lake the rats ate the cookies.
I went fishing I caught a catfish. I couldn't pull my line up. We did amazing things. So I jumped in the lake and it was freezing. It was so deep. I saw a catfish. I got out and started fishing again. I almost caught something. Ok here we go again. Oh I think I got something. Help I need help. Thankfully Riley came and helped my and I caught a catfish.
Bede: I love cookies. They are super delicious. I like doing Maths. It is super fun anyway this story is about cookie land. Once upon a time there were 300 cookies...
The rats stole the cookies. They hated the cookies because they were chocolate. GROSS!
One day a big gorilla snatched all the cookies. 1 year later the gorilla was found still eating cookies. It ran for his life.
Lochlan H: At last I have been waiting forever! I get to swim with the sharks. I took a while to get the scuba suit, flippers and tank on. I'm nervous and scared. I go... it's deep! The sharks keep bunting.
This story is about sharks. Once upon a time I looked out a window and saw a sharkbow (a rainbow of sharks) But suddenly the sharks eating each other. I call the COS (Care of Sharks) and told them the sharks were eating each other. But the time they got there no sharks were left.
It was so annoying. Suddenly the sharks started surrounding me in a circle I quickly swam to the boat. They threw meat with blood on it. The sharks were swimming away to follow the meat blood. The Hammerhead was swimming towards us.
good wrirting everyone
it was a verry fun activivy
it was fun passing the paper
I loved doing pass the paper. a great opportunity to let people know what you like.