We are so lucky to have another famous TV star at our kura. Riley Elliot the Shark Man. Kids of today seem to like sharks more than adults because of how the world views them. Adults grew up with this:

Kids nowadays grew up with this:

Riley loves surfing and that is where all of his questions about nature started. Why did the shag go underwater for 3 mins and come up with a fish. He studied dolphins in Fiordland.

Scientists looks for facts before they judge creatures. He went to South Africa to study great white sharks 🦈

When sharks aren't hunting they are super calm and docile. This is not what we get shown on the media. Sharks need to swim to breathe. When they have a full tummy and they are tired they sit in the waves and let the waves "breathe" for them by facing the beach.
Shark language: Riley can communicate with sharks. Sharks show their emotions through their body language. Fins in, eyes big and mouth open is telling you he is angry. Fins out straight, mouth closed and small eyes is telling you that they are calm.
The Blue Shark is Riley's favourite Shark. These sharks get used to make Shark fin soup. Because of Riley and his campaign got this soup banned!! Go Riley!!! The sharks were tagged so data could be collected. Riley decide that people needed to be educated about what sharks can be like. Look how little this Shark is.
Riley now works with recording documentaries that show during Shark week on Discovery Channel.

What is the Shark? Why is it important? They are critical for the world. Sharks predate dinosaurs!!!! They are the bosses of the Ocean!!!

The Ocean is so big it keeps the World alive. Phytoplankton are trees in the ocean. So when we breathe the oxygen comes from treed on land AND in the ocean.
Water: the ocean gives us water.
Climate: the ocean currents move the water around so that the sea water doesn't feed.
Our Oceans are too happy at the moment. Plastic and rubbish are all throughout the Ocean. So it's up to us to look after them!!!

that was so cool i love shaks
i wish i could ride a shark or go in a shark cage it would be so awesome
sharks rule
it was the best day ever